
主要从事玉米籽粒发育和营养品质研究、功能型作物生物技术育种。作为团队主要成员开展转植酸酶基因玉米研究工作,该成果于2007年5月通过农业部科技成果鉴定,于2009年和2014年两次获得安全生产证书,是我国第一例获得安全证书的转基因玉米。先后主持完成我国转基因重大专项课题“优质功能型转基因玉米新品种培育”、国际合作项目,“863”课题等。参与完成 “973”、自然基金等课题。申请中国发明专利十五项,获得授权八项。发表论文60余篇,其中在Plant Biotechnology Jounal,Jounal of Experimental Botany,BMC Plant Biology等杂志上发表SCI论文20多篇。





2001年-至今,中国农业科学院生物技术研究所历任 助研、副研、研究员
2013.11-2014.12  爱荷华州立大学遗传发育与细胞生物学系 访问学者






西南科技大学  兼职导师



1.Wu H, Gontarek BC, Yi G, Beall BD, Neelakandan AK, Adhikari B, Chen R, McCarty DR, Severin AJ, Becraft PW. The thick aleurone1 Gene Encodes a NOT1 Subunit of the CCR4-NOT Complex and Regulates Cell Patterning in Endosperm. Plant Physiol. 2020 Oct; 184(2):960-972.
2.Li Y, Liu X, Chen R, Tian J, Fan Y, Zhou X.  Genome-scale mining of root-preferential genes from maize and characterization of their promoter activity. BMC Plant Biol. 2019 Dec 26; 19(1):584.
3.Zhang L, Luo Y, Liu B, Zhang L, Zhang W, Chen R, Wang L. Overexpression of the maize γ-tocopherol methyltransferase gene (ZmTMT) increases α-tocopherol content in transgenic Arabidopsis and maize seeds. Transgenic Res. 2020 Feb; 29(1):95-104.
4.Li S, Liu X, Zhou X, Li Y, Yang W, Chen R. Improving Zinc and Iron Accumulation in Maize Grains Using the Zinc and Iron Transporter ZmZIP5. Plant Cell Physiol. 2019 Sep 1; 60(9):2077-2085.
5.Liu X, Li S, Yang W, Mu B, Jiao Y, Zhou X, Zhang C, Fan Y, Chen R*. Synthesis of seed-specific bidirectional promoters for metabolic engineering of anthocyanin-rich maize. Plant Cell Physiol. 2018 Oct 1; 59(10):1942-1955.
6.Liu X, Yang W, Mu B, Li S, Li Y, Zhou X, Zhang C, Fan Y, Chen R*. Engineering of 'Purple Embryo Maize' with a multigene expression system derived from a bidirectional promoter and self-cleaving 2A peptides. Plant Biotechnol J. 2018 Jun; 16(6):1107-1109.
7.Liu X, Yang W, Li Y, Li S, Zhou X, Zhao Q, Fan Y, Lin M, Chen R*. The intergenic region of the maize defensin-like protein genes Def1 and Def2 functions as an embryo-specific asymmetric bidirectional promoter. J Exp Bot. 2016 Jul; 67(14):4403-13.
8.Li S, Zhou X, Zhao Y, Li H, Liu Y, Zhu L, Guo J, Huang Y, Yang W, Fan Y, Chen J, Chen R*. Constitutive expression of the ZmZIP7 in Arabidopsis alters metal homeostasis and increases Fe and Zn content. Plant Physiol Biochem. 2016 Sep; 106:1-10.
9.Li S, Zhou X, Chen J, Chen R*. Is there a strategy I iron uptake mechanism in maize? Plant Signal Behav. 2016 Mar 28:0.
10.Zhang S, Yang W, Zhao Q, Zhou X, Jiang L, Ma S, Liu X, Li Y, Zhang C, Fan Y, Chen R*.
Analysis of weighted co-regulatory networks in maize provides insights into new genes and regulatory mechanisms related to inositol phosphate metabolism. BMC Genomics. 2016 Feb 24; 17:129.