普 莉研究员






课 题 组





2014年5月-2014年11月,美国加州大学Berkeley分校植物病理系, Associate Specialist;
2015年入选中国农业科学院“青年英才计划A类人才”,2024年入选中国农业科学院“农科英才”创新型领军人才,主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、转基因重大专项、国际合作等多项研究课题,在Molecular Plant、Advanced Science、Trends in Genetics、Plant Biotechnology Journal、New Phytologist等国际权威期刊上发表科研论文,获得了国内外同行的高度评价。担任中国植物学会第十六届理事会女植物科学家分会委员、中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会植物生物学女科学家分会理事等职务,以及Nucleic Acids Research,Molecular Plant,Theoretical and Applied Genetics,Plant Molecular Biology Reporter等杂志审稿人。





1.Daolei Zhang, Yujun Gan, Liang Le, Li Pu. Epigenetic variation in maize agronomical traits for breeding and trait improvement, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2024, 1-12.

2.Fan Xu, Huixue Dong, Weijun Guo, Liang Le, Yexing Jing, Jennifer C Fletcher, Jiaqiang Sun, Li Pu. The trxG protein ULT1 regulates Arabidopsis organ size by interacting with TCP14/15 to antagonize the LIM peptidase DA1 for H3K4me3 on target genes, Plant Communications, 2024, 1-20.

3.Jia Yu, Guangshu Song, Weijun Guo, Liang Le, Fan Xu, Ting Wang, Fanhua Wang, Yue Wu, Xiaofeng Gu, Li Pu. ZmBELL10 interacts with other ZmBELLs and recognizes specific motifs for transcriptional activation to modulate internode patterning in maize, New Phytologist, 2023, 240(2): 577-596.

4.Weixuan Wang, Weijun Guo, Liang Le, Jia Yu, Yue Wu, Dongwei Li, Yifan Wang, Huan Wang, Xiaoduo Lu, Hong Qiao, Xiaofeng Gu, Jian Tian, Chunyi Zhang, Li Pu. Integration of highthroughput. phenotyping, GWAS, and predictive models reveals the genetic architecture of plant height in maize, Molecular Plant, 2023, 16(2): 354-373.

5.Daolei Zhang, Weijun Guo, Ting Wang, Yifan Wang, Liang Le, Fan Xu, Yue Wu, Hada Wuriyanghan, Zinmay Renee Sung, Li Pu. RNA 5Methylcytosine Modification Regulates Vegetative Development Associated with H3K27 Trimethylation in Arabidopsis, Advanced Science, 2022, 10(1): e2204885.

6.Liang Le, Weijun Guo, Danyao Du, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Weixuan Wang, Jia Yu, Huan Wang, Hong Qiao, Chunyi Zhang, Li Pu. A spatiotemporal transcriptomic network dynamically modulates stalk development in maize, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 20(12): 2313-2331.

7.Liwen Yang, Pingxian Zhang, Yifan Wang, Guihua Hu, Weijun Guo, Xiaofeng Gu, Li Pu. Plant synthetic epigenomic engineering for crop improvement, Science China-Life Sciences, 2022, 65(11): 2191-2204.

8.Weijun Guo, Hanqing Liu, Yifan Wang, Pingxian Zhang, Dongwei Li, Tuoyu Liu, Qian Zhang, Liwen Yang, Li Pu*, Jian Tian*, Xiaofeng Gu*. SMOC: a smart model for open chromatin region prediction in rice genomes, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2022, 49(5): 514-517. (*Co-rresponding)

9.Yifan Wang, Pingxian Zhang, Weijun Guo, Hanqing Liu, Xiulan Li, Qian Zhang, Zhuoying Du, Guihua Hu, Xiao Han, Li Pu*, Jian Tian*, Xiaofeng Gu*. A deep learning approach to automate wholegenome prediction of diverse epigenomic modifications in plants, New Phytologist, 2021.10, 232(2): 880-897. (*Co-rresponding)

10.Jia Yu, Fan Xu, Ziwei Wei, Xiangxiang Zhang, Tao Chen, Li Pu. Epigenomic landscape and epigenetic regulation in maize, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2020, 133(5): 1467-1489.

11.Xiaoyuan Zhang, Weijun Guo, Danyao Du, Li Pu, Chunyi Zhang. Overexpression of a maize BR transcription factor ZmBZR1 in Arabidopsis enlarges organ and seed size of the transgenic plants, Plant Science, 2020, 292(110378): 1-10. (*Co-rresponding)

12.Fan Xu, Tony Kuo, Yenny Rosli, Mao-Sen Liu, Limin Wu, Long-Fang Oliver Chen, Jennifer C. Fletcher, Zinmay Renee Sung, Li Pu. Trithorax group proteins act together with a Polycomb group protein to maintain chromatin integrity for epigenetic silencing during seed germination in Arabidopsis, Molecular Plant, 2018, 11(5): 659-677.

13.Li Pu, Zinmay Renee Sung. PcG and trxG in plants – friends or foes, Trends in Genetics, 2015, 31(5): 252-262.

14.Li Pu, Mao-Sen Liu, Sang Yeol Kim, Long-Fang O Chen, Jennifer Fletcher, Zinmay Renee Sung. EMBRYONIC FLOWER1 and ULTRAPETALA1 act antagonistically on Arabidopsis development and stress response, Plant Physiology, 2013, 162(2): 812-830.

15.Li Pu, Siobhan Brady. System Biology Update: Cell Type-specific Transcriptional Regulatory Networks, Plant Physiology, 2010, 152(2): 411-419.