
主要从事植物功能基因组学与生物技术研究,在作物突变体创制、基因克隆与转基因新品种培育、作物高光效机理及新材料创制等方面具有较好的工作基础。先后承担国家自然科学基金项目、973计划课题、863计划课题、国家转基因重大专项等国家项目以及多项国际合作项目,承担了中国农业科学院 “作物高光效的生物学基础及核心材料创制” 协同创新项目。在Plant Cell、PLoS Genetics、Plant Physiology和Molecular Plant等国内外知名刊物发表论文70余篇。主编《分子遗传学》于2008由高等教育出版社出版,被全国多所高等院校和科研单位作为教材使用。
中国高科技产业化研究会第四届理事会特聘副理事长,国家烟草专卖局科技委委员,全国科学技术名词审定委员会农学名词审定委员会委员,中国农业科学院学术委员会委员、学位委员会委员、生物学学科评议组副组长,“农业部农业基因组学重点实验室”学术委员会副主任,“北京市作物资源与生物技术重点实验室”副主任,“农作物基因资源与基因改良国家重大科学工程”学术委员会委员。《生物技术通报》主编,《Frontiers in Plant Science-Frontiers of Plant Genomics and Genetics》副主编,《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》、《中国农业科学》、《植物学报》、《中国农业科技导报》、《生物技术进展》编委,《PLos Genetics》特邀编委,先后受聘北京师范大学、兰州大学、首都师范大学、河北农业大学、安徽农业大学兼职教授。
1.Sun X, Zhang Z, Wu J, Cui X, Feng D, Wang K, Xu M, Zhou L, Han X, Gu X, Lu, T (2016) The Oryza sativa Regulator HDR1 Associates with the Kinase OsK4 to Control Photoperiodic Flowering. PLoS Genetics 12(3): e1005927
2.Wu J, Zhang Z, Zhang Q, Han X, Gu X, Lu T (2015) The molecular cloning and clarification of a photorespiratory mutant, oscdm1, using enhancer trapping. Frontiers in Genetics 2015 6:226. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00226
3.Yang Cai, Zhou H, Shi X, Zhang X, Li T, Yang X, Zhang Q and Lu, T (2015) Identification and analysis of Zbs1, a dominant male-sterile mutant of naked oat (Avena Nuda L.). Crop Science 10.2135/cropsci2014.07.0525
4.Shi X, Sun X, Zhang Z, Feng D, Zhang Q, Han L, Wu J, Lu, T (2014) GLUCAN SYNTHASE-LIKE 5 (GSL5) plays an essential role in male fertility by regulating callose metabolism during microsporogenesis in rice. Plant and Cell Physiology 56:497-509
5.Yin CC, Ma B, Collinge DP, Pogson BJ, He SJ, Xiong Q, Duan KX, Chen H, Yang C, Lu X, Wang YQ, Zhang WK, Chu CC, Sun XH, Fang S, Chu JF, Lu T, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2015) Ethylene responses in rice roots and coleoptiles are differentially regulated by a carotenoid isomerase-mediated abscisic acid pathway. Plant Cell 27:1061-81
6.Ma B, Yin C, He S, Lu X, Zhang W, Chen S, Lu T and Zhang J (2014) Ethylene-Induced Inhibition of Root Growth Requires Abscisic Acid Function in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Seedlings. PLoS Genetics 10(10): e1004701. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004701
7.Sun L, Zhang Q, Wu J, Zhang L, Jiao X, Zhang S, Zhang Z, Sun D, Lu T, Sun Y (2014) Two rice histidine phosphotransfer proteins, OsAHP1 and OsAHP2, mediate cytokinin signaling and stress responses in rice. Plant Physiology 165:335-345
8.Ma B, He SJ, Duan KX, Yin CC, Chen H, Yang C, Xiong Q, Song QX, Lu X, Chen HW, Zhang WK, Lu T, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2013) Identification of rice ethylene-response mutants and characterization of MHZ7/OsEIN2 in distinct ethylene response and yield trait regulation. Molecular Plant 6:1830-48
9.Zhang Z, Zhang Q, Wu J, Zheng S,Sun X, Qiu Q, Lu T (2013) Gene knockout study reveals that cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase2 (OsAPX2) plays a critical role in growth and reproduction in rice under drought, salt and cold stresses. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57472. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057472
10.Hong L, Tang D, Shen Y, Hu Q, Wang K, Li M, Lu T and Cheng Z (2012) MIL2 (MICROSPORELESS2) regulates early cell differentiation in the rice anther. New Phytologist 196: 402–413
11.Wang K, Wang M, Tang D, Shen Y, Miao C, Hu Q, Lu T, Cheng Z (2012) The Role of Rice HEI10 in the Formation of Meiotic Crossovers. PLoS Genetics 8(7)| e1002809